Loved the demo! It's beautiful as always, and I love Raiden already (them sassy characters amirite). One thing I did notice though is that some of the wording in the very beginning was confusing, like 'heaven and hell suppose two distinct species of man', and the bit about 'in the country of _ is the kingdom of _' (aren't countries and kingdoms the same thing? is this like an individual province in an empire or something? though maybe that would be cleared up with more of the story lol). There were a couple times I was confused by wording in the interactive part too. It's nothing big, but if you had any plans to do any last minute edits it might be something to consider. :) Anyhoo, I'm super excited to see what kind of awesome twisty plot you guys come up with for this one, and to get to know the characters and explore the MC roles!